The website of Jordan Insurance Federation (JIF) offers its visitors a new unique service which enables them to identify insurance terms in English and their Arabic equivalent, supported by explanations and examples as presented in the Dictionary of Insurance Terms: English-Arabic, 2nd edition by Tayseer H. Treky, published in 2006.
The author has kindly approved publishing the glossary on the Federation’s website as per agreement No. 3805 on 27 November, 2006. This gesture from JIF and the Mr. Treky comes as part of both parties’ goal of contributing towards increasing insurance awareness amongst insurance professionals and those interested in the industry. Thanks to this contribution, researchers and scholars are capable of identifying the Arabic translation of the insurance terms, which have been classified alphabetically to make it easier to use this valuable document.
How to use the Dictionary:
- Select the language of search, either Arabic or English.
- Enter the term of interest. For example: Type in ‘Insurance’ in English or ‘تأمين’ in Arabic. The search engine will then provide you with a variety of relevant terms in alphabetical order.
- Click ‘Search’.
- The search result will appear, displaying the term in English and its meaning in Arabic along with a detailed explanation. In case the term is unavailable, a message will appear stating that no results could be found.
Disclaimer: All rights of the Dictionary published on the website are reserved to the author, Tayseer Treky, and the Jordan Insurance Federation (JIF).
JIF expresses its deep appreciation and gratitude to the author of this pivotal dictionary, Mr. Tayseer Treky. Those who are interested in obtaining a copy of this dictionary, the contact details of the author are as follows:
Tayseer Treky
Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +9611983931
Fax: +9611985154
دفتر يسجل فيه وكيل تأمين الحياة الشعبي الاقساط التي قام بتحصيلها من المؤمن لهم.
كل مؤمن يشترك مع مؤمنين آخرين في التأمين على خطر ما ، أو المؤمن له الذي يتعين عليه تحمل جزء من الخسائر المغطاة بموجب وثيقة التأمين.
عمولة يدفعها المؤمن للوكيل نظير قيام الاخير بتحصيل اقساط التأمين نيابة عنه .
مستند يعطي وسيط التأمين الصلاحية لتحصيل مبالغ التعويضات نيابة عن المؤمن له.
جمعية صداقة تقوم بمزاولة أعمال التأمين الشعبي.
الانهيار الأرضي أو انهيار الغلايات إلى الداخل (وهو عكس الانفجار). وتغطي وثيقة انفجار المراجل أو الغلايات خطر الانهيار كما تغطي وثيقة أخطار المقاولين خطر الانهيار الأرضي.
انظرCo -Insurance
إطار يوضع على فتحة لغرض تقويتها او لجعلها اكثر ضبطاً لحجز المياه أو منعها من النفاذ.
أنظر Carriage. Of Act.